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5-11-10 Amended

The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Vice-Chairman Sandra Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chairman Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Kathleen Madzula. ABSENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Mary Fellows.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation. No public was present.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion Mrs. Madzula, the minutes of the special meeting of March 21, 2010 and the regular meeting of April 13, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney reported that a representative from OSHA will be here Thursday at 1:00 to review the remaining items on the citations for the building. The fine of $200 was paid.  This Saturday the PTA will do a benefit concert for the Edmond Town Hall.  Borough Warden Jim Gaston inquired about the Borough move in date and he reported that they need a vault for their office. There is not a vault available at the present time. The Borough will pay $3,500 per annum for their office. The bill from McKinney Mechanical of $1,600 is not acceptable. Mr. Juliano will be asked to contact the company. Parent Connection is looking for office space. They will be asked to come to the Board next month with their request. The Ambulance Corp has not followed up on their request for space again. Mae Schmidle would like the VNA to have a visiting nurse stationed at the Edmond Town Hall. A lady would like to have space for cooking classes. Mr. Corson has withdrawn his request for space here to bake items. The Borough had said that he could hold an event but they were not sure about the baking.  The lady will be asked to see the Borough Zoning Enforcement Officer first. Mrs. Pierce will  create a request form for use of the kitchen that the Borough would be asked to sign off on. The Lions Club will plan a Pumpkin Race in the fall in the parking lot. The marquee is back up after renovations. Mr. Mahoney asked about Lathrop’s request to go downstairs. Mrs. Madzula moved that we would accept Lathrop’s proposal with the proviso that we need to investigate the ceiling and the partitioning and obtain an estimate for this. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried. As soon as matters are taken care of, Dan Cruson will be advised that he can move into the Town Clerk’s former space. A space that is now used for storage will be cleaned out and used as another meeting room. New carpeting for the new Board of Manager’s office would include the Borough space if the Borough is willing to pay their share. New locks are also needed for three doors. Mrs. Madzula moved to approve the purchase of new locks contingent upon the price being no more than $750 for the three doors. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. Mrs. Madzula moved to approve the purchase of carpet for no more than $30 per square yard based on  an area of 1,200 square feet; the carpet is to be fire retardant. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan has a proposal of $2,300 for roof drains. Repointing has stopped much of the leaking in the Probate office. Mr. Kathan said that the company that provided the proposal feels that the pan has expanded and contracted over the years and has loosened up. Sometimes there is condensation and sometimes there is much water. Mr. Kathan found a tear in the roof near the drain. Mr. Kathan would like other opinions including Mr. Juliano’s on what work is needed.  Mr. Kathan will make a presentation to the Board at the next meeting concerning the roof drains. All of the rooms have been primed and are ready for painting.

Mr. Mahoney and Mrs. Pierce are working on getting Blue Tooth for the theater.

Chairman’s Report. There was no report as Mr. Gill was not present.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Mrs. Motyka had no report.

Correspondence. The request from Mr. Tait and Lathrop’s request were discussed. Mr. Corson withdrew his request for space for baking at the Town Hall.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to approve payment of Building bills totaling $7,899.69  and Theater bills totaling $7,434.49 for a total of $15,334.18. Second by Mrs. Madzula and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

Roof leaks, request from Lathrop and request from VNA  were discussed earlier. Procedure for renting Kitchen & Alexandria Room was discussed in the past.

Ad Hoc Committee – Mission & Objective. Mrs. Motyka noted that the Board would like this to be an advisory committee. Mrs. Pierce attended the meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee and said that we would like to assign specific tasks to specific groups. Mrs. Smith also attended the meeting and she agreed. Mrs. Pierce moved that the Board of Managers form an advisory panel based on the five topics discussed at the meeting, to help guide the decisions made by the Board of Managers. Second by Mrs. Madzula and unanimously carried.

Follow-up on Maria DeMarco meeting. Mrs. DeMarco will send information to Mrs. Motyka that she will forward to the Board for discussion at the next meeting.

New Business. The Parent Connection will be invited to the next meeting to make a presentation concerning their request for space.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Motyka will review the rate card.

Comments around the Table. None noted.

Possible Executive Session. Mrs. Smith moved to enter executive session at 8:31 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Second by Mrs. Madzula and unanimously carried.

Executive session was exited at 8:40 with no action taken.

Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk